After my latest blog where I decided to not lose heart, I have been under some serious attack. From my kids having some crazy scary rash, to car problems, trying to figure out the school financing, and some other personal things that have suddenly sprung up, I have been an emotional mess! By ten this morning I had cried at such an extreme level, I still have a crying hangover and the tears are threatening to spill at any point.
First of all, the Sequoia’s power steering is going out and
it is an expensive part to replace.
After some research, calling around to shops, and some other digging,
the fluid in it is apparently the wrong kind.
Well, we have never touched said fluid, as we have never needed to. Most of our maintenance has been done through
the dealership and as the dealership sold it to us and certified that is was
perfect, I think it might be their responsibility to fix it. They are going to pull service records and
take a look tonight. Last night I was
all ready to fight to the death on this.
WE don’t just have all this extra cash hanging out to replace the part
and I am really hoping that it ends up being the dealer’s issue. But nonetheless it is a stressful issue and
it definitely put my anxiety on high alert.
Then comes today. I
had a long conversation with the financing lady at the kids’ school and at one
point I was literally in extreme hysterics.
I am not even sure if she could understand what I was saying at a
certain point, because the crying was so intense. This is incredibly embarrassing as I do not
cry in front of people, let alone strangers.
I did not even shed a tear at my mom’s funeral. So as it goes, my kids were approved for a
full scholarship, but as the funds were low we did not even receive a 20%
scholarship. I totally understood, was
very grateful for the funds that we did receive, and never complained. It was bittersweet, but it was sweet
Well, today I called to clarify how much we owed to start
school, how much we had in credits, and how much our payments were going to
be. Remember the letter I mentioned in
my previous blog where we received more tax scholarship money than we had
anticipated? Well, apparently the school
appreciated that money so much, that they took away our $1100 scholarships per
kid that they had awarded us a couple months ago. They did not inform us that they were taking
away our money, the just did it. Now, I
understand if after they had our pay stubs and tax forms from last year and had
determined that we only had a financial need of, I dunno, 10% and then when we
received that extra ACSTO money that met that need, I would understand if they
felt like another family needed it more and CALLED US and SPOKE to us about
giving that money to someone else. But
that isn’t what happened. After seeing
our bills, our pay stubs, our tax forms for 2012 they determined we needed 100%
funding. They saw the need but could
only help us the $2200. I get that. But to secretly take away the money from us,
WITHOUT telling us, when we legitimately need it is another thing.
So, since this entire topic has been such a struggle to me,
since I was so encouraged by this extra ACSTO money, and even blogged about it,
I got incredibly emotional. I
cried. I cried hysterically. I could not believe that what felt like and
encouraging thing could disqualify us for any other funds. The letter from ACSTO specifically said that
their scholarship did not affect any other scholarship that we had been awarded
in the past. So, all of this was clearly
discouraging and upsetting.
I may be down, but I am NOT out. I, crying as it may be, still advocated for
my family, for my kids. I used reason
and logic, and in between sobs I was polite and since it WAS so sneaky and my
points WERE very valid, she DID after all restore our funds! Our kids get to keep both scholarships, since
both letter clearly state that one does not affect the other.
I may feel emotional, I may be having a hard time breathing,
I may spill over with tears again today…but I fought for my kids and I am glad
I did. I feel emotional with the shock
that they would just give the money away like that, and I feel emotional at the
relief that we have the money after all.
But I am NOT out. I will still
choose to live today to the fullest; I will still choose to not lose
heart. I am, once again, choosing to be
encouraged that so far, this school year WILL work out.
I am still in process. I will still continue to make
mistakes. I am grateful that I am not
alone in this. And I am very grateful
that things seem to be coming together. I
will NOT lose heart. I may be knocked
down…but I AM NOT OUT.