Thursday, August 4, 2016

My best friend...

Having a best friend has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me.  Little did I know that there apparently are people in this world that might not be blood relatives but are actually family.  I have a couple of people in my life who qualify as family in my book, and one person (other than my husband) who qualifies as my best friend.  I love her like my sister, and we complement each other in every way.  We are so alike in so many ways but are opposites in all of the right ways.  I truly believe that she is my best-friend-soul-mate, if that is even a thing.  Onlookers don’t understand what we have and that’s ok, they don’t have to.  This is our relationship, it’s our thing. 

We have this relationship where if she calls me upset, I am on my way to her house before she even gets three words out.  As soon as I hear the panic, pain, or stress in her voice nothing else matters and I just go.  It’s instinctual.    I even saved her life this way once because what she thought was a panic attack was actually her body starting to go into anaphylaxis from an allergic reaction.  We just know each other.  We can sense when things are wrong.  She does the same thing for me and will come at a moment’s notice if something horrible is happening.  We have this give and take co-dependency and we both know when to ask questions and talk it out, and when to just show up and be silent. 

When she is excited about something I celebrate with her.  Imagine teenage girly squeals on each side of the phone.  That is us to a T.  We both know how hard the other one works for things and we both know each other’s struggles.  When one of us has succeeded, we both have succeeded because we both put in the blood, sweat, and tears to get there.  When we moved she spent weeks helping me pack my house, when she was stressed I cleaned her whole house.  We grocery shop together, we talk every day.  We cheer each other on both in person and from afar.  I don’t need to compete with her, I don’t feel insecure when she succeeds I just feel joy and pride. 

The same goes when she is upset or hurt.  I have laid awake at night sobbing because of things she has gone through.  And I know she cries with and for me, as well. When she is broken, so am I.  When something happens to her, it is as if it is happening to me.  There have been times when my heart is so heavy and I feel so helpless because all I want to do is fix something but I can’t.  And I know that when I have been broken or hit hard times she is exactly the same way. I ache when she is in pain.

We both also get very protective over each other.  If someone hurts me she goes on a warpath, and I am the same way.  This is ironic because neither of us like confrontation, but both of us would fight to the death for each other.  When I forgive someone who has hurt me, it takes her longer to forgive that person and the same goes for me.  When I know someone has hurt her, or taken advantage of her, or has even just not been nice to her I want revenge.  I have a fierce desire to protect her and make sur that she never feels that way again.  She is exactly the same way.  Sometimes I giggle when she tells me how mad she is about something that I have already let go, but it’s comforting to know that someone has my back.  And that I have hers. 

For years we have told each other everything about our families, our childhoods, our marriages, our children.  For years we have held each other’s secrets,  hopes,  fears, and  insecurities.  There’s no judgment here.  There’s no condemnation.  Sometimes we ask for advice, sometimes we get unwanted advice, sometimes we just get a listening ear.  But we both keep coming back because she is one of the only people in my life that I trust fully.  She is one of the only people in my life who truly loves me unconditionally and I love her just as unconditionally. 

I literally pray that someday my daughters find a friendship like ours.  As a mom I know that I will always be close with my kids and that nobody can take that away.  I hope and pray that they find a best friend who will love them unconditionally, who will cry with them, laugh with them, celebrate with them, scold them, help them, keep their secrets,  and fight for them. 

My mom’s heartbeat in women’s ministry before she passed away was to help women find authentic relationships with each other.  She help found “knitted hearts” groups where these women could seek such relationships and nurture them.  This is exactly what I have with my best friend.  Our hearts are truly knitted together and my mom would be so happy we have each other.  My mom would love her because I do, my mom would pursue a relationship with her because she is so important to me.  And my mom would encourage our genuine friendship.  I deeply wish that my mom had met her, but I am so grateful God sent her to me when He did.  I found her not long after my mom died.  I was in a bad place and felt so very alone and my best friend just landed in my life almost by chance and it has been one of the best things to ever happen to me.  I could never imagine life without her, and I don’t want to.