Wednesday, September 2, 2015

embracing truths? or believing lies?

Have you ever felt so completely out of control of your surroundings, your life, your circumstances, and your loved ones that it makes you feel anxiety to your core?  I try so hard to stay organized, to keep on top of tasks, to keep bills paid on time, to keep things clean, and to make people happy.  These things give me a false sense of security, of comfort; they make me feel like everything is okay.  There are some topics I avoid because they are scary, they make me feel like I may lose control of myself, of my emotions. 

I stay composed.  I try not to cry.  I smile and pretend like I am not dying on the inside.  Sometimes the worthlessness I feel creeps in and shatters the false confidence that I have.  Something happens that reminds me that I really am not lovable.  It reminds me that I am nothing but a failure. 

I recently had a loved one come to me and open up about similar insecurities that they were having, that they were also struggling with feeling worthless.  I failed at my response.  Instead of being there for this person, for listening, for encouraging, I got scared.  I was suddenly fearful of losing said person and I got loud and passionate.  For some strange reason it made me feel so completely out of control and scared and I reacted out of that. Because of my reaction not only does this person not feel any better, but the relationship was harmed in the process.  I am supposed to be a safe place, and I usually am. 

My life’s goal is to eventually become a counselor, psychology is my major, and I already have a group of people that come to me for advice on many different topics including marriage, parenting, mental health, jobs, relationships, and so much more.  I don’t think that I have ever left one of my many conversations feeling quite like I do today.  I am on the verge of tears feeling like I have no business pursuing the career that I desire.  Clearly I am a failure even at what I supposedly am good at. 

My brain tells me that, see?  I really am a failure.  I truly am worthless.  I can’t even help someone close to me, how could I ever help a stranger?  I can’t even be trusted by someone who is supposed to care about me, how can anyone else ever trust me?  

But more than anything, I am on the verge of tears and am feeling very heavy because I truly did blow it.  I am saddened because I was not a trustworthy person to come to.  I did not take the heart that was offered to me and handle it with care.  I was selfish and scared.  I was not calm and composed, I took it personally, and it was something that wasn’t about me.  And I don’t know how to mend this situation.  I don’t know how to show this hurting person that I really am there for them, that I care about how they feel.  I don’t know how to show them that they are believing lies about themselves and that none of the things they said are true.  Maybe I don’t know how to do that because I cannot believe it myself? 

I am frightened at the honesty and hopelessness in this person’s words.  They said things like “I am done trying,” “I give up,” and “I am done.”   I don’t know how to encourage someone who is completely giving up on themselves, who has no more fight to fight.  How do I show that I will fight for them?  How do I fight for them?  I begged this person to get some help, I begged this person to try.  But they really are done and that made me sob.  It made me cry so hard.  I don’t know how to help someone who won’t even try.  But what I did do definitely didn’t help, and now they probably won’t reach out to anyone else. 

I failed miserably.  I let my own fears cloud my judgement.  I let my own lies reflect outwardly.  I have been on the edge of giving up.  I have been tempted to give up.  I keep going for my kids and my husband.  I try to prove to others that I can do it.  I feel like if others see that I can handle it, then maybe they will see me as something other than a failure, and that will make it true.  I think of the family members who have bullied me, or leaders that have tore me down in the past and I think that if I can prove to them that I am better than they thought, that maybe I really am.  But this reminded me, I am nothing.  I am worthless like I have been told most of my life.  I have nothing to offer.  I am a failure.  

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